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Manage Org Members

View and manage all current members who have access to the organization, as well as any invited members who have not yet accepted an invitation to join the organization. In the Active Members table, you can change the permission level of all users in the organization, including other admins. An organization must have at least one admin. Admins can also remove members by pressing the trash button.

You can add new members to the organization by pressing the Invite New Member button. Enter the email address associated with the user, select the appropriate role, and press Invite to send a link to join the organization via email.

Sent invites can be invalidated by pressing the trash button in the relevant Pending Invites table row.

Permission Levels

Users with the viewer role have read-only access to all material within the organization. They cannot create or edit archived items, crawl workflows, browser profiles, or collections. They also do not have access to any crawl analysis or review tools.
Users with the crawler role can create crawl workflows and collections, but they cannot delete existing archived items that they were not responsible for creating.
Users with the administrator role have full access to the organization, including its settings page.