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Collection Presentation & Sharing

Sharing Collections

Collections are private by default, but can be made sharable either with an unlisted link, or displayed in your org's public gallery for everyone to discover. Sharing settings can be found within the Sharing tab of the Collection Settings dialog. Public collections will not be visible unless your org has enabled its public collections gallery.

Public collections can also be embedded into other websites using the provided embed code. Making a collection private after it is public or unlisted will break any previously shared links and remove it from your gallery.

For further resources on embedding archived web content into your own website, see the docs page on embedding.

Initial View

Set the Initial View to control what visitors see first when viewing a collection. The initial view can either be a list of pages ('s default), or a single page from your collection such as a crawl start URL or index page.


Choose a thumbnail image to represent the collection in your org's public collections gallery and org dashboard. This thumbnail can be edited from the Presentation tab of the Collection Settings dialog. Thumbnails can either be a screenshot of a page from the collection, or a placeholder image designed by Webrecorder.

Why isn't there a thumbnail preview for my page?

If you have uploaded archived items captured with tools other than Browsertrix, some of the pages in your collection may not have screenshots available to use as thumbnails. To fix this, either re-crawl a page you wish to use as a thumbnail with Browsertrix and add it to the collection, or choose a placeholder thumbnail.


Share additional context and details of your collection with your org team members or the public by writing a description. Whereas Summary is used to summarize the collection and caption collection thumbnails, the About section offers a space to write out a longer, more detailed description of the collection. The description supports basic text formatting like headings, bold and italicized text, lists, and links.

The editor is powered by ink-mde, an open source Markdown editor.