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Playbook Path: ansible/playbooks/install_microk8s.yml

This playbook provides an easy way to install Browsertrix on DigitalOcean. It automatically sets up Browsertrix with LetsEncrypt certificates.


To run this ansible playbook, you need to:

  • Have a DigitalOcean Account where this will run.
  • Create a DigitalOcean API Key which will need to be set in your terminal sessions environment variables export DO_API_TOKEN
  • doctl command line client configured (run doctl auth init)
  • Create a DigitalOcean Spaces API Key which will also need to be set in your terminal sessions environment variables, which should be set as DO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY and DO_AWS_SECRET_KEY
  • Configure a DNS A Record and CNAME record.
  • Have a working Python and pip configuration through your OS Package Manager


  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd browsertrix

  2. Install the Dependencies through pipenv

    cd ansible
    pip install pipenv
    pipenv install
    pipenv shell

  3. Look at the configuration options and modify them or pass them as extra variables as shown below. If you haven't configured kubectl, please enable the configure_kube option

  4. Run the playbook:

    ansible-playbook do_setup.yml -e project_name="your-project" -e superuser_email="" -e domain=""

You may optionally configure these command line parameters through the group_vars file


  1. Run git pull

  2. Run the playbook:

    ansible-playbook do_setup.yml -e project_name="your-project" -e superuser_email="" -e domain="" -t helm_upgrade


You can tear down your deployment through ansible as well. By default ansible will dump all the databases into your DO space. You can configure an option to disable this feature.

ansible-playbook playbooks/do_teardown.yml -e project_name="your-project" -e superuser_email="" -e domain=""